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Pulham CE Primary School

Shine as lights in the world

COVID-19 Catch-up Premium

PLEASE NOTE – These are the current priorities and associated costs, these will change and be added to throughout the academic year as further needs and support are identified.
Professional Development – utilising VNET programmeBought into VNET – which offers a range of training programmes for teachers and TAs.Professional Development programme – teachers disseminate to others to ensure best practice is implemented across the school – EEF states – best available evidence indicates that great teaching is most important lever schools have to improve outcomes for pupils.No additional costs
Speech Therapy – trainingThrough access to training and through information provided by speech therapist. Through Centre of Excellence.Speech therapy – pupils’ speech will improve




KS2 Talk BoostPurchase of KS2 Talk Boost and associated training.KS2 Talk Boost – pupils with low level vocabulary skills will improve writing and reading skills (in-school assessments)



High Interest/Low level books for reading recoveryBuy books that are suitable for older children to read, with reading material that they find interesting.High interest/Low level books for reading recovery – pupils


will progress through reading bands.

Reading assessments will show progress.


Maths training for EYFSBook onto Developing Young Mathematicians – Early Excellence TrainingMaths training for EYFS – EYFS staff will feel confident in delivering high quality maths teaching, resulting in improved outcomes for pupils.



Development of gross motor skills in EYFS and Year 1Purchase of outdoor equipment to improve grip. From Dunster HouseDevelopment of gross motor skills in EYFS and Year 1. – pencil control will improve which will have an impact on writing skills.




Support for NQT + 1 teacher with planning and implementationSupport provided by EYFS Lead and HeadteacherSupport for NQT + 1 teacher with planning and implementation. – Planning will ensure that a wide curriculum is taught, developing pupils’ knowledge and skills across all areas of the curriculum (in school observation and assessments).



No additional costs.
Marking and Feedback policy ensures that teachers know how to move learning on, identify misconceptions and provide explicit feedback for pupils on how to improve their work.



Use of in-school system for recording lesson assessments.Children’s progress and attainment will improve – use of in school assessments and tracking on pupil asset to monitor progress made.No additional costs
Flexible grouping used to enable us to provide extra teaching as needed for pupils needing support during the lesson.



Teacher assessment and observation in lesson time to identify those pupils needing support in individual lessons.Support will enable pupils to engage in the lesson and to make progress in each lesson. Assessed through observations and marking of books.No additional costs
Early identification of pupils with barriers to learning.Teachers using diagnostic assessment, observations and book scrutiny.Pupils provided with interventions appropriate to barriers identified. Record of work carried out and impact of interventions provide evidence of impact.No additional costs
Intervention timetable developed to support these pupils.



SENCo and SEN team develop timetable of support.Assessments of needs carried out – e.g. Sandwell, British Vocabulary Scale, Working Memory Rating ScaleNo additional costs at present time.
Small group tuition



Teachers to be released from class by HLTA to provide targeted support to pupils identified as needing further teaching support.Progress and attainment measured through in-school assessments, observations and book scrutiny. Tracking on Pupil asset and through Pupil Progress Meetings.


EEF states that – the evidence indicates that small group and 1:1 interventions can be a powerful tool for supporting pupils.

£ 5761 (spring and Summer terms)



One to one support for identified pupils- teacher led



Teachers to be released from class by HLTA to provide targeted support to pupils identified as needing further teaching support.Progress and attainment measured through in-school assessments, observations and book scrutiny. Tracking on Pupil asset and through Pupil Progress Meetings.



Teaching Assistants utilised effectively for improved learning outcomes for pupils.



Teachers to ensure TAs are given clear and direct instruction about how to move learning on.Pupils outcomes will provide evidence of impact. Progress and attainment measured through in-school assessments, observations and book scrutiny. Tracking on Pupil asset and through Pupil Progress Meetings.No additional costs
NELI being implemented in EYFS



Nuffield Early Language InterventionDevelopment of children’s vocabulary, listening and narrative skills. Development of phonological awareness and early letter-sound knowledge as foundation for early literacy skills.Cover costs for training – 2 x £200 = £400
WIDER STRATEGIESNurture sessions being provided to children to support emotion, social and mental health of identified pupils.Nurture provided (Thrive trained) provides 1:1 sessions.Children identified by Class Teachers as needing this support. Impact assessed by discussions with Nurture Provider and though discussions at Pupil Progress Meetings.No additional cost
PATHS being used to enable pupils to express their feelingsPATHS (promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies) used throughout school.Exploration of different feelings through PATHS programme. Assessment is through children talking in sessions and teacher observations.No additional cost
Resources purchased to support learningTeachers identify resources that would be beneficial to support children’s learning.Use or resources such as Numicon increases pupils’ fluency and understanding of number. Assessment through in-school assessments. (10 x boxes @ £40 each) 



Family support through PSA


Running of Solihull parenting programme for parents

PSA employed on an adhoc basis to provide support for identified families.Assessed through discussions and by observing changes in parenting approaches leading to children’s lives being more positive – thus having an impact on ability to engage in learning in school. 


