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Pulham CE Primary School

Shine as lights in the world

PE & Sport Premium

Pulham CE VC Primary School P.E. Vision statement


Pulham CE Primary School believes that physical education (P.E) is an essential part of a child’s educational development, promoting a long term healthy life style which is both enjoyable and fulfilling.


P.E is an integral part of our school’s commitment to ‘creative learning without limits’ and our enjoyment in learning actively, using the whole school environment.


We aim to develop a broad, rich, physically demanding and engaging curriculum offering a variety of activities to enhance skills in physical education, to become successful learners and to overcome challenges.


Positive and inclusive participation in physical education at Pulham School fosters physical and mental good health, it will enable children to build, self-esteem, team work, positive values and achievement in P.E across the curriculum.


Through our P.E curriculum we strive to deliver the government’s strategy for school sport, extending competitive opportunities for all students.


Through Physical Education we aim to:


–         Develop confidence, skills and knowledge.

–         Develop physical literacy

–         Provide new quality sporting opportunities

–         Be proud of achievements.

–         Promote fair play and respect.

–         Encourage children to live healthy, active lives.

–         Engage in competitive sports and activities.
