At Pulham Primary School, children are the heart of our Vision. Everyone will flourish when working together in a safe environment, rooted and grounded in Christian values. A culture of excellence together with our broad-based curriculum ensures pupils are equipped with wisdom, knowledge and skills. A desire for learning enables us to make a difference in the modern world.
Our curriculum follows the CUSP programme of learning.
At Pulham, we have designed and implemented an aspirational curriculum that is both immersive and progressive. We use a carefully planned model, with both breadth and depth, that is highly relevant and purposeful, and that truly broadens pupils’ outlook and views by promoting global perspectives.
We aim to offer hands-on, cohesive and challenging learning, highlighting human creativity and achievement. We strive to help our pupils realise the full potential they have to achieve and succeed, not just at school, but as educated citizens within their own community and on a wider global scale. We want the pupils’ learning to be ‘outward-facing’, enabling them to become well-rounded and happy individuals who, not only care about themselves, but about others and the environment.
We want to provide all our children with opportunities for learning which leads to maximum growth and development is our top priority, including designing and implementing a curriculum that is best suited to their needs. We want to provide them with a curriculum with both breadth and depth, that is highly relevant and purposeful, exciting for both staff and pupils, and that is aligned to the locality and all it has to offer.
Our curriculum is inclusive, challenging the more able, whilst directly addressing specific areas for development.
Our intent is to raise standards across all subjects, to enable our pupils to access and engage with their learning to ensure both academic and personal success.
Rationale for Implementation
We use the CUSP Curriculum as the main vehicle for achieving our outlined intent, with a view to providing an ambitious, contemporary, relatable curriculum offer.
This curriculum is underpinned by a series of big ideas.
If you would like more information about our curriculum, please make contact with our Headteacher, Mrs H Beckett.